July Update

Software Updates, News, and Pro Tips - July 2024

Canvassing Triggers

We’re excited to announce Canvassing Triggers. Canvassing Triggers enable you to set up automated actions from your canvassing efforts. Send a text when the voter is not home, or send a GOTV postcard to a voter marked as a supporter when the ballots are mailed out. This can dramatically increase voter engagement and your opportunity to connect with voters to win their vote.

Why we made canvassing triggers

We focus on automating and optimizing any process to better contact and win over voters. This was a logical next step in creating a positive and useful experience when voters do not answer, or in adding personalized follow-ups to interactions to increase voter engagement and improve the chances of winning their vote.

Canvassing triggers are based on the philosophy of compounding. Political texts alone are no longer winning over voters, as most people are inundated with them. However, a conversation with a volunteer at a voter’s door, followed by a text message, is memorable, unique, and can influence a voter.

“Rule of 7”

In marketing, it’s widely accepted that the average customer needs to interact with a business at least seven times before making a purchase. This concept, known as the “Rule of 7,” also applies to voters. However, research indicates that it often takes around 15 interactions to win over an undecided voter. With our advanced canvassing triggers, you can systematically achieve the necessary number of interactions to secure a voter’s support. These interactions are not only frequent but also highly targeted and relevant, significantly increasing the odds of winning their vote. With Canvassing Triggers, your campaign can ensure that every interaction is meaningful, timely, and impactful.

Canvassing Triggers
Use Loom to record quick videos of your screen and cam. Explain anything clearly and easily – and skip the meeting. An essential tool for hybrid workplaces.

Watch a demo of how Canvassing Triggers work

Canvasser v4.0

This month we released the latest version of our Canvassing Platform, with some key features for both campaign managers and volunteers.

Vottiv Canvassing App Update v4.0
Learn about what’s new in Vottiv Canvasser v4.0!

Real-Time Updates

Your team can now stay in sync in real-time. The app automatically shares team members’ locations and completed households instantly, eliminating the previous few-second delay.

Anti-Cheating Updates

Our canvassing app tracks users’ paths walked, time spent, voter interactions, and locations where actions were marked. It bundles all this information neatly for campaign admins to monitor productivity and catch cheaters.

Enhanced Offline Capabilities

We made big improvements to make the offline capabilities of the app better: Including full offline support and seamless operation through patchy service.

100,000 Households per Canvass & Get Started in Seconds

Our canvassing system uses progressive web app technology to deliver up to 100,000 households in a single canvass that is lightning fast! No app store, no password, no accounts. Works on every device.

Canvass Zones

Our walkbooks, capable of fitting 100,000 homes, represent a paradigm shift away from small walkbooks of 150-500 homes that require hours of manual turf-cutting. With this shift, your paid staff or volunteers are free to canvass all the voters in your targeted universe. For times when you want to focus on specific areas, we’ve developed Canvass Zones. You can select districts (precincts, city, assembly district, etc.) or draw a polygon shape where you want your volunteers to concentrate. Learn more about how to use this new technology by clicking the link below.

How to use Canvass Zones
Learn how to create focus areas for canvassers with Canvass Zones.

New Advanced Group Builder

Our new advanced voter targeting capabilities enable campaigns to precisely identify and reach their desired voter segments. By using logical operators such as AND, OR, NOR, and AND NOT, campaign managers can create complex voter groups tailored to specific strategic needs. We have an article that explores how to leverage Vottiv’s advanced targeting features and provides examples of sophisticated voter groups to enhance your campaign efforts.

Advanced Voter Targeting
Learn about advanced voter targeting with logical operators on Vottiv

Learn more about how to create these complex voter groups.

Vottiv in the field

Utah Primaries

While there are candidates in 27 states currently using Vottiv, it’s especially exciting to work on campaigns in our home state of Utah! We were thrilled to assist Congressman John Curtis with his US Senate win, Congresswoman Maloy with her reelection, and dozens of other candidates across our state.

Vottiv <> WYGOP

We have officially become the preferred tool for the Wyoming Republican Party. We look forward to helping solidify their conservative stronghold.

Faith & Freedom Coalition

Last month, we sponsored the Faith and Freedoms Road to Majority Summit in Washington, D.C. This fall, they will be knocking on over 10 million doors for strong Christian and conservative candidates across the country. We are excited and honored to work with them in a few of the key target states this election.

Numbers From the Field

Over 800,000 voters have been reached using Vottiv this election so far, and we are projected to hit over 4 million by November 5th!

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