Building Your First Voter Group

Building Your First Voter Group

Voter groups are the core of the all of tools available on Vottiv. Learn the basics of targeting and filtering voters to start creating your data-driven campaign.

A Voter Group is a targeted group of voters that match a certain set of filters. Voter groups are at the core of all of the tools available on Vottiv. We call them Voter Groups but you may have heard the same concept referred to in other tools as voter universes or voter segments.

In order to start campaigning, you'll need to first create a voter group.

Accessing Voter Groups

First, click Voter Groups on the sidebar.

This will show you a list of all the voter groups you've created in your account. We've created a few for you to begin with:

  • All Voters: This group contains every voter in your district boundaries
  • Republican Voters: This group contains every registered Republican in your district boundaries.
  • Supporters: As you canvass, text, and call, you can mark voters as Supporters. Once you mark a voter as a supporter, they'll automatically show up in this group.
  • Undecided Voters: Likewise, you can mark voters as undecided, to direct targeted messaging to them at key times during your campaign.

Creating a New Voter Group

A list of all voter groups available in your account

Usually, you'll want to create more focused and targeted groups. To create a new group, select Create Group from the top right corner.

The Vottiv Group Builder interface

Adding Filters

This brings you to the Vottiv Group Builder interface. Here you can add filters to narrow down your targeted group. For our first group, we want to target young republicans who have voted in at least two primary elections in the last 4 primary elections.

To do this, first select the Political Party filter and choose Republican.

Choose a party in the Political Party filter

You'll notice that the group demographics will update in real-time as you build your group. This gives you an idea of who you're targeting, including the number of voters and households, the contact information available, and the age, gender, ethnicity, party, education, income, and religion distributions.

Next, we'll target young voters by adding the Age filter and selecting ages 18-34.

Select the age ranges to target

Last, we need to filter down further to only target those voters who voted in at least two of the past 4 primary elections. To do this, select the Voting History filter and select the past 4 primary elections, and choose to target those who voted in at least two of them.

Target based on voting history

Excluding Voters Who Have Already Voted

Optionally, you can choose to exclude voters from a group who have already voted in a certain election. Most elections receive daily updates and in turn, your group will be updated automatically to reflect this. This is useful during the GOTV period so you don't waste time and resources on voters who have already cast their vote.

For example, if your upcoming election were the 2024 California Primary Election, you'd select that election and then choose None. This will automatically eliminate voters from this group after they vote in this election.

Automatically remove voters from the group after they cast their ballot

Once you are satisfied with your group, select the Create Group button and give it a name, or accept the suggested name. I'll name this group "Young Republican voters who have voted at least 2 times".

Once you've created a group, you can find it in the Voter Groups list.

Build Your First Voter Group Demo Video

Next up, learn what you can do with a voter group.

Understanding The Tools
Vottiv offers four primary tools: Canvassing, Text Messages, Phone Calls, and Direct Mail Postcards. Learn about how to use these tools to run a targeted campaign.

Or, learn more about the filters available to build a group on Vottiv.

Voter Targeting
Learn about the filters available on Vottiv to created targeted voter groups.

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